02 January 2010


Here is the genesis,
my 2009 holiday card:

2009 was a great and disappointing year. At the end of a long relationship left me puzzling, what do I do with myself now, and I needed some help looking forward.

I have always had wonderful, creative, and intelligent family and friends with a good sense of humor. With their uncanny knowledge of how my life has gone horribly wrong or right; who knows/cares, I wanted to rely on them to have some fun.

I am at a point that I accomplished my early adulthood big ticket items. I want to shake it up:
1) to remember what it was like to do something totally stupid just because,
2) to commit where I haven't been able to commit before,
3) to reconnect,
4) to enjoy myself and others, and
5) who knows why (I'm not in control of this one)

Let's get started. A toast to 2010 -

Here's to making me pleasantly uncomfortable doing the things I always wanted to do, but just didn't know it yet!

Thank you,

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