02 January 2010

Hike the AT or Skydive (Eliza Sparkes)

I've been given a choice between two exhilarating experiences. Weighing my options:

1) Hike the Appalachian Trail. I'd love to; I have hoped to for a long time. In fact, the boots on the right I bought in 1997 in hopes to hike the trail between high school graduation and my first college class. My heart beats a little faster thinking about it!

However, a thru hike is a commitment and Deval has not gotten quite that scary with the furlough days. If this does happen, it would need to be in stages. Would this work? Can I hike the AT over several long weekends?

2) Skydive. Whoa! I would never do it without this challenge. It would be over quickly. And y'all could get a great youtube video out of it. But, geez, that is scary.

So, I am undecided...
                      if you want to express your opinion, comment or take the poll.


  1. I would do it with you... only because it is probably the scariest thing I can imagine doing to myself. I get sick in tall buildings.

  2. I think it would be awesome if we could get a little group to all take the plunge together! I'll keep you posted on a jump date, but I can promise that it won't be until it gets MUCH warmer.
