31 March 2011

Take a belly dancing class (Maryanne Courtney & Bev Scott)

Yes, yes, yes! I tried to start this in January and then put it off, scheduling, snow, excuse, excuse, excuse. When my friend, Anne, mentioned that her East Boston YMCA offered belly dancing, I jumped on it. She tried it once and was willing to go back. I was definitely in.

My experience...
I loved it! Everyone in the class was so upbeat and had different skill levels, so it felt very comfortable. I learned some new tricks, like how to shake my chest by only moving my shoulders and how to punch with my hip. I am still working on my "shimmy". I am definitely shaking it, but if what I am doing is actually a shimmy, I just don't know yet. I will keep working on it. It was an abdominal workout, but it is so much fun I just wanted to keep twisting and isolating. I am glad that this was a dare, and I got to share my first belly dancing experience with Anne.

I know Maryanne is planning on taking this up after her big spring work push is over. I highly recommend it and look forward to hearing how your firs class goes. Good luck; shimmy, shimmy, shimmy!
Thanks, y'all!

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