11 September 2010

Join Match.com for one month (Laura Brelsford)

First and very importantly, thank you, Laura. Participating in Match was a challenge for me and pushed me to examine my personal connections and my expectations of them.

I had been hesitant to think an online format would be good for me for a few reasons:

1) I like to meet people face to face. My humor doesn't translate into written format. Does my vivacious personality jump off the computer screen? I am not the person that has a type; I am more about a vibe. Can I vibe off an email?

2) I don't feel good about "judging" other profiles. It honestly makes me feel gross and judgmental. I don't know anything about these people.  I can't seem to get a sense of a person from an artificial email exchange or well (or poor in some cases) edited profile. Is the person they are presenting the person they are? Did I present the person I am?

3) I want my date to court me. I spend a lot of time being a liberated woman - opening my own doors, paying for my own drinks, striving for independence, etc. What the hell am I supposed to do with a wink?

I don't think online dating is bad or lacks results for people, just questioned whether it was for me. This sounds like a lot of negativity, but really it is just my concerns about online dating. Despite my stated reservations, I gave it my best efforts to be open minded and active; my best efforts included:
  1. I logged on everyday so it showed I was active in the last 24 hours.
  2. I freshened my profile once a week.
  3. I winked back to people who winked at me.
  4. I emailed people who emailed me.
  5. I thoughtfully reviewed all of the 5 Daily Matches and profiles in Singled Out that Match found for me.
Aside from the logistics of the dare, Match and this process reminded me that the person I need to focus my smiles, creativity and humor is - me. Living my life is where I find the most happiness and when things are right, I will be able to share that. I am SO grateful I had this chance to reflect. 

All that said... I met a wonderful guy doing this, and although that didn't work out long term,
does that negate all my questions about Match and me? Who knows; who cares? Sometimes it is more important to be happy than right. That was kind of the point; wasn't it, Laura?

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