29 August 2010

August Dare Count

To date,
Dares received: 23
Dares completed: 11
  1. Create a blog
  2. Wake up everyday and smile and stretch
  3. Get highlights
  4. Relax and sample new adventures (on the cheap)
  5. Go to a drag show
  6. Complete this puzzle
  7. Fund-raiser walk
  8. Paint a portrait of someone I love(d)
  9. Read a fiction classic of at least 300 pages
  10. Become a raw food believer for one week
  11. Visit my parents in Bellingham
Dares busted: 2
  1. Visit Wenmiao/The Ghost Market in Shanghai 
  2. Dance on the Bund with a local Shanghainese
Dares in progress: 2
  1. Run a 10K
  2. Join Match
Dares on deck...
  • Skydiving (OMFG)

While it wasn't a dare... 
I celebrated a birthday this month! 

I am happily 31 and celebrated with great friends, food and dancing. My birthday highlights:
  • A hair appointment with people that know the wash and head massage is the best part!
  • Chocolate avocado vegan cupcakes baked by Jessica
  • Goat "head meat"... yeah I know... at African Cuisine
  • Clandestino
  • Tequila
  • Dancing, dancing, dancing at the Enormous Room and Middlesex
  • And more chocolate avocado vegan cupcakes

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! I am so lucky to have wonderful people in my life. Y'all have made this birthday and the entire year so special for me. 

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Must have recipe for vegan avocado cupcakes!
