01 August 2010

July Dare Count

To date,
Dares received: 21
Dares completed: 11

  1. Create a blog
  2. Wake up everyday and smile and stretch
  3. Get highlights
  4. Relax and sample new adventures (on the cheap)
  5. Go to a drag show
  6. Complete this puzzle
  7. Fund-raiser walk
  8. Paint a portrait of someone I love(d)
  9. Read a fiction classic of at least 300 pages
  10. Become a raw food believer for one week
  11. Visit my parents in Bellingham
Dares busted: 2
  1. Visit Wenmiao/The Ghost Market in Shanghai 
  2. Dance on the Bund with a local Shanghainese
Dares in progress: 1
  1. Run a 10K
Dares on deck...
  • Skydiving (OMFG)

REVELATION OF THE MONTH: It was very fitting that I had this revelation as I was working on two dares. I was running (Dare - Run a 10K) through the trails in Bellingham, Washington (Dare - Visit my parents). In one of my loops, I passed a group of four women. I said, "Good morning."
One woman said to me, "Good for you. I couldn't do that". 
My quick reply was, "Oh I can't either." and I trotted away. 
I realized how silly I must have sounded to her. However, I realized for me, when I think about it, I really can't do it. Often, I can do it when I just go ahead and do it. 
Sometimes I have to take my head out of this. I feel like accepting these challenges has given me the opportunity to not think about it and just go ahead and do it. The amazing thing is through this process I find that I can do anything, and I stop spending time questioning less whether I can or cannot.

1 comment:

  1. you continue to amaze and inspire me. I just love ya!!!!!

