27 July 2010

Visit my parents (David & Marylynne Courtney)

Wow, what a trip! I flew out on the 22nd and spent spent 5 days with family. We packed a lot into the time, including:
  • Kayaking with mom
  • Walking around the Falls
  • Visiting a buffalo farm
  • Cooking out with buffalo steak
  • Shopping the farmers market
  • Searching for orca whale
  • Boating to Friday Harbor
  • Keeping up with my 10K training program 
  • Checking another state capital off my list
  • Eating dinner with my cousin and her family in Seattle
  • Experiencing all the culinary delights of Bellingham
  • Having 7 deer encounters!

Enjoy the photos:
Exploring the falls in Bellingham
Olympia shipping
Cook out
With Bellingham Bay behind me
Mom tying out her new kayak on Lake Whatcom
At the bison farm
On the whale watch

Sunset over Bellingham Bay
Flowers at the capital

Thanks SO much!

07 July 2010

Eat a raw food diet for a week (Jessie Berman Boatright)

1st thought
"But what do I do about bread"
2nd thought 
"Embrace the challenge. This could be really cool and maybe I really will have more energy."
3rd thought (after a quick internet search discovering coffee, tea and alcohol do not count as raw foods)
"Aww, hell no... coffee, I love coffee."
The shock had worn away a bit and I have decided on a mostly raw  food diet, with the exception of coffee. However, I drink my coffee black in the morning, and I will give up my afternoon cappuccino.  

My magically raw week was July 8th - July 14th!
Frequently Asked Questions
  • Are you ok, Crazy? Yes, it took two days to adjust, but I am a-ok. My only complaints are the dizziness and spaciness the first few days.
  • Were you 100% raw? No, after some serious concern over the weekend from a neighbor who is semi-raw, I decided to loosen up a little. Of the 21 meals and uncounted snacks, 2 meals I ate were not entirely raw. 
  • Did you have more energy? Maybe, I'm honestly not sure.
  • Are you in the bathroom all the time? No, but thanks a lot for asking... a lot.
  • Will you keep this up? In some fashion, yes; I realize now how processed my food is even with my regular diet that consists of many yummy fruits and veggies.
  • What specifically have you been eating? I've had to get creative, but here are two examples:

Raw spaghetti - thinly sliced squash with tomato, garlic and basil puree 

Breakfast - almond butter, honey, banana, blueberries, and raw oats (and my cheat - coffee)

Now what? I liked this dare. It grew on me. This dare uniquely challenged me to behave more like a person I wondered if I could be. And, it is the longest continuous dare I have been given. A sincere thank you, Jessica. While I am not committed to becoming raw, I will be a more mindful, plant based eater.  At this point, I can't give details about what that means because I'm not clear on all the implications yet. However, tomorrow I will happily continue to eat raw(ish).

01 July 2010

June Dare Count

To date,
Dares received: 21
Dares completed: 9

  1. Create a blog
  2. Wake up everyday and smile and stretch
  3. Get highlights
  4. Relax and sample new adventures (on the cheap)
  5. Go to a drag show
  6. Complete this puzzle
  7. Fund-raiser walk
  8. Paint a portrait of someone I love(d)
  9. Read a fiction classic of at least 300 pages
Dares busted: 2
  1. Visit Wenmiao/The Ghost Market in Shanghai 
  2. Dance on the Bund with a local Shanghainese
Dares in progress: 1
  1. Run a 10K
Dares on deck...
  • Become a raw food believer for one week
So friends, after 6 months and two busted dares, I am losing some momentum. I need to call in my favors. If you have words of encouragement, I would love to hear them now...