07 July 2010

Eat a raw food diet for a week (Jessie Berman Boatright)

1st thought
"But what do I do about bread"
2nd thought 
"Embrace the challenge. This could be really cool and maybe I really will have more energy."
3rd thought (after a quick internet search discovering coffee, tea and alcohol do not count as raw foods)
"Aww, hell no... coffee, I love coffee."
The shock had worn away a bit and I have decided on a mostly raw  food diet, with the exception of coffee. However, I drink my coffee black in the morning, and I will give up my afternoon cappuccino.  

My magically raw week was July 8th - July 14th!
Frequently Asked Questions
  • Are you ok, Crazy? Yes, it took two days to adjust, but I am a-ok. My only complaints are the dizziness and spaciness the first few days.
  • Were you 100% raw? No, after some serious concern over the weekend from a neighbor who is semi-raw, I decided to loosen up a little. Of the 21 meals and uncounted snacks, 2 meals I ate were not entirely raw. 
  • Did you have more energy? Maybe, I'm honestly not sure.
  • Are you in the bathroom all the time? No, but thanks a lot for asking... a lot.
  • Will you keep this up? In some fashion, yes; I realize now how processed my food is even with my regular diet that consists of many yummy fruits and veggies.
  • What specifically have you been eating? I've had to get creative, but here are two examples:

Raw spaghetti - thinly sliced squash with tomato, garlic and basil puree 

Breakfast - almond butter, honey, banana, blueberries, and raw oats (and my cheat - coffee)

Now what? I liked this dare. It grew on me. This dare uniquely challenged me to behave more like a person I wondered if I could be. And, it is the longest continuous dare I have been given. A sincere thank you, Jessica. While I am not committed to becoming raw, I will be a more mindful, plant based eater.  At this point, I can't give details about what that means because I'm not clear on all the implications yet. However, tomorrow I will happily continue to eat raw(ish).


  1. Raw oats?? How was that? Hmm...you are much better than me, I don't think I could do it!! Plus, I am on the road so much, how on earth could that work?? Hmmm.

  2. awesome! I am also curious about the oats. Also is the squash totally raw?


  3. Way to go!!! I am so proud. Oh, and I found a raw food cafe in Newton. So we'll have to go one weekend...


  4. PS I can't wait to see you "glow" raw foodism around the office...
