01 January 2011

Streak in public (Kate Floyd and Paul Proto)

Let me start with, we are no longer friends (kidding). On the serious side though, I cannot streak nude. I like my public sector job, and to keep it, I think I need to exercise good judgment and not streak. I am going to consider this dare complete by doing something that I thought still had the essence of running around like a fool.

Today, I am an L Street Brownie! Submerging myself in icy cold harbor water is an awesome way to jump start the new year. Yes, I know it was unseasonably warm today, but know that the water was not.

A super, special thanks to Logan and Brian for doing this for the SECOND year in a row... and when I lost my shoes in the harbor went back in for a SECOND dip to retrieve them for me! Brrr...

You rock, and I'm a wuss. Once in 2011 was enough for me, but I'll see you there in 2012!

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