04 June 2011

All good things must come to an end...

I'm ending this adventure. Due to some other personal matters that need my attention, I cannot commit  to completing the remaining dares by my deadline of 8/28 (birthday). I apologize if your dare was not done, and I will try to remain open to doing it at another point in my my life.

Thank you for your creative ideas and endless support. I hope at some point I can return the favor. If you've been reading this through the last 18 months, you are aware that there have been a lot of changes, challenges and contemplation on my part. In the end, the only thing I know is consistent in my life is that I never could have imagined where it has taken me thus far, and I'm not able to imagine where it'll take me from here, regardless of my intentions.

I have a 76% success rate, which puts me at about a C-. Luckily, I don't need this to get into a competitive Phd program, so I am satisfied to settle at a mid grade effort.

So the final tally...

Dares received: 29

Dares completed: 22
  1. Create a blog
  2. Wake up everyday and smile and stretch
  3. Get highlights
  4. Relax and sample new adventures (on the cheap)
  5. Go to a drag show
  6. Complete this puzzle
  7. Fund-raiser walk
  8. Paint a portrait of someone I love(d)
  9. Read a fiction classic of at least 300 pages
  10. Become a raw food believer for one week
  11. Visit my parents in Bellingham
  12. Join Match.com for one month
  13. Volunteer with a cause you believe in but gets you out of your comfort zone
  14. Say hello to strangers
  15. Run a 10K
  16. Visit the geographic center of the US
  17. Take a mud bath trip with my sister
  18. Streak nude (you'll see)
  19. Read two books by Truman Capote - ok, so I only read one
  20. Take a belly dancing class
  21. Begin a spiritual journey
  22. Ride to the last station on every line on the T

Dares busted: 3
  1. Visit Wenmiao/The Ghost Market in Shanghai
  2. Dance on the Bund with a local Shanghainese
  3. Engage Lola in a dog sport or train her to be a therapy dog

Dares abandoned: 4
  1. Get 100 people to say thank you
  2. Zipline with Anne Essaran
  3. Skydive
  4. Enter a dancing competition/dance off


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