31 March 2011

Take a belly dancing class (Maryanne Courtney & Bev Scott)

Yes, yes, yes! I tried to start this in January and then put it off, scheduling, snow, excuse, excuse, excuse. When my friend, Anne, mentioned that her East Boston YMCA offered belly dancing, I jumped on it. She tried it once and was willing to go back. I was definitely in.

My experience...
I loved it! Everyone in the class was so upbeat and had different skill levels, so it felt very comfortable. I learned some new tricks, like how to shake my chest by only moving my shoulders and how to punch with my hip. I am still working on my "shimmy". I am definitely shaking it, but if what I am doing is actually a shimmy, I just don't know yet. I will keep working on it. It was an abdominal workout, but it is so much fun I just wanted to keep twisting and isolating. I am glad that this was a dare, and I got to share my first belly dancing experience with Anne.

I know Maryanne is planning on taking this up after her big spring work push is over. I highly recommend it and look forward to hearing how your firs class goes. Good luck; shimmy, shimmy, shimmy!
Thanks, y'all!

22 March 2011

Engage Lola in a dog sport or train her to be a therapy dog (Karen Courtney)

So many options of what to do... and I failed...

Ball = mine
This was one of two dares from the same person, dearest sister, and I know that I just cannot commit that time in such an organized fashion.

Lola is a free spirit and I believe her heart's desire is to play fetch with me and chase other dogs in the dog park.  Although I will take this chance to show case my favorite Lola moments....
She has got "sit" down.
Halloween romping with Gus


15 March 2011

Read two books by Truman Capote (Marge Benham-Hutchins)

Two... I read one book by Truman Capote, In Cold Blood.

This was my second reading dare. That post describes my feelings about reading, so I won't bore you with repeating the details. Keeping that in mind, please know that reading fiction is truly a challenge for me, and I have encountered many friends that believe that if I would just read an inspiring book/author, I would embrace fiction. I just cannot say that is the case with me.

However, I am happy to say that I have made my way through one more fiction book. Yes, I do consider Capote's true crime genre fiction. By making it through one more book, I now have one more topic to fall back on during cocktail hour and that is success for me!

Thanks, Marge, for challenging me to try again!