20 October 2010

Find & visit the geographic center of the contiguous US (Graham Campbell)

Moira and Shannon, the O'Connell sisters, and I went on a whirlwind heartland tour, but since the dare was to visit the center, I will start there just outside of Lebanon, Kansas.

Other than the center, chapel, picnic shelter and trailer with exhibits... there is nothing there. This is it. Really, this is it.

We arrived early before breakfast to check this place out. All by ourselves, we took a few photos before searching for breakfast.

If you think you want to do this, my suggestions are to make it an adventure and if possible, invite the O'Connell sisters (which guarantees an adventure, really).

What did our adventure look like?

We flew into Kansas City, Missouri on Friday morning and quickly headed out of town to Topeka, Kansas so I could check another state capital off my list for the other blog. After chips and salsa made with oregano at Auturo's and some brief confusion about all the toucans in town which looked strangely like jayhawks, we were back on the road. 

In Wamego, Kansas we visited the Wizard of Oz Museum where my father donated my grandfather's childhood copy of the book.Other than the museum, the Wamego diversion gave us a brush with death with a silo on a state highway and a chance to see some interesting signage.

Then, we were off to the world's largest ball of twine! Twine tips...
  • If you collect it, they will come.
  • Twine starts to smell as it gets old.
  • Why not decorate it for the closest holiday?

After the best air hockey tournament Downs, Kansas ever experienced and staying in the scariest cottage EVER, we ventured to the center (see above).

The heartland doesn't end there!

On the way to Lincoln, NE to check yet another state capital off my blog list. We visited Pioneer Village in Minden, NE. I could slam this place, but I won't. It was built in another time by a less politically correct benefactor. He wanted to celebrate modern innovation. After reading all his signs and commentary, I wanted to celebrate how far we've come to open our minds. 
 In the heartland, Big Ten football is a big deal. We choose to travel on a Cornhuskers home game weekend, which meant the closest hotel room we could find to Lincoln was in Omaha. 
You say, "Oma" I say, "Ha"



This is only a glimpse into the magic that is the heartland. I can't capture how beautifully flat and open everything was, how lovely the people we met were, and how the pace was so blessedly not east coast. I loved it (to visit). I never would have gone to many of these places without Graham's dare. I'm a lucky lady.


  1. about an hour and a half away in minden, nebraska is warp's pioneer village, the incredible americana collection of a plexiglass mogul (http://www.pioneervillage.org/). It is a wild place...

    There is a very cute chapel at the site in Lebanon. That's about all there is there...

  2. I think you've been everywhere. I have to know why you went to Lebanon, Kansas.

  3. Aw, I miss the Heartland--there's all these trees blocking my view here...
