14 October 2010

Run a 10K this summer (Ajay Bam and Amanda Truett)

Myself & Laura, my cheerleader!
Myself, Karen (sister) & Pam
Sharon & I
I did it !

1:18 total and averaged a 12:39 mile

The race is on - Tufts 10K for Women! I actively trained for 8+ weeks. I feel really amazed that I was able to commit to this and complete it

I got started on this dare early, but waffled.

"It's too cold."
"I have to eat raw and my energy is off."
"I've been so busy."
"I've been running... a little..."

In the end, I realized from talking to a friend that I wasn't getting serious about it until I really started getting serious about it. I looked at the calendar and realized I only had few weeks left and I need to act. I'm moving on this now.

Regardless, I put myself out there, one foot quickly in front of the other. I spent many happy Saturday mornings at the Middlesex Fells with my pup, Lola. I have been surprised at how much I look forward to my long runs in the Fells. It is a great time for my to challenge myself in nature and start the weekend with a sense of accomplishment. Please excuse my bruises; I tend to trip over a lot of roots and rocks.

A heartfelt thanks, Ajay and Amanda!


  1. I'm so excited... can we add more dares as they come to us??? karly

  2. You can try, but I can't promise anything... I felt pretty good that I already got y'all's done!

  3. Have I mentioned how awesome you are lately????


  4. Jules, I can never here that enough - thanks!
