27 February 2010

February Dare Count

Well, I don't even want to look at the numbers. I'm not as far as I'd like to be... which includes getting dares back. If you are hesitating putting in the mail, go ahead and do it. I want to pack my year full of daring events.

Instead of a count, I am going to try reflection. Since the inception of this, every day has been a surprise.  

Some days I am delighted to be single again. Dinner is whatever I choose; the weekends are full of my activities and if something isn't right, I can change it, because I am responsible for it. Those are the days that everythings seems a little sunnier and a little less important. 

But, some days, not so much. Despite the growing distance, I can still find myself getting all worked up about some trivial matter like how the laundry smelled like fish (he worked in seafood, I know it made sense that the laundry smelled like that) or being angry at myself for letting it become a broken relationship.

Regardless of how I have decided to interpret any given day, I'm happy I am where I am. The dares have helped me break out a little. It is easy for me to blame something expected or new on, "oh yeah, my friend dared me to do it", but I've also internalized it. If this is to be my most daring year yet, it isn't going to happen without creating my own private dares or public bonus dares. I can accomplish those every day. Thanks for all y'all's support (and yes, my Wisconsin friends, I said "all y'all's")

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cour-tree! Love following along, I hope the sunny days out number the others by far soon enough. Good luck with the new and personal dares to come!
