09 May 2010

Complete this puzzle (Lisa Fischer)

This looks hard, Lisa. To add that I now know that you got this at Savers and there are pieces missing. I couldn't have done it without help - thanks, y'all!

I am a lucky person to have wonderful friends with surprising hobbies. Jasiel came over for dinner after I had spread out the puzzle a few days before and like a champ, helped me for the next couple hours put the border together. Amazing!

And that's where the puzzle progress stagnated until darer, Lisa, came to town...
After getting SO much help and inspiration from Jasiel and Lisa, I finished the puzzle on my own.
I have to say, puzzles are pretty cool. I got a little rush when I found a piece that finally fit or realized it was the other side of the piece that would make it all work.Will I puzzle again? Likely.


  1. I LOVE that this was purchased at Savers, and I LOVE this dare. Well played, Lisa. Well played.

  2. I just love you courtney...there just isn't anyone else like you :-)

  3. Congrats on completing the puzzle Courtney. Excellent work. Lisa has infected another with her love of puzzles. - Kim
