30 April 2010

April Dare Count

I'm chugging along...

Question of the month: How do I embrace new things with an open mind and still feel like I'm being true to myself?

25 April 2010

Paint a portrait of someone you love or loved (Anna Ellis)

This is a great idea and perfect for me. Few of you know (and I know Anna did not) about my painting adventures my last year in Raleigh. I'd hop on my bike armed with small canvasses, paints and brushes and hang out in Moore Square or another downtown park painting. Sometimes I'd be on my own; sometimes I could convince a friend to give painting a try. That period did not produce any masterpieces for public sale, but it did let me express my creative side and explore something new. I had forgotten about that fun, and I think this dare taps into that me of long ago. Yes, it really was 8 years ago that I lived in Raleigh!

I was very excited when I went to the store to buy supplies. I was not sure what I wanted to create, but I knew I wanted to use paint and that this was going to be fun. I came home, got myself settled, and stared at a blank canvass. Who do I paint? Since I kept asking myself this questions over and over again without an answer, I posed it to my roommate; who do I paint? I explained to her that I didn't know who I loved more than anyone else that I would commit it to canvass. I question:
  • If I paint one person, does that devalue my feeling for other important people in my life? 
  • Do I go totally psychotherapy and paint myself? 
  • Do I become that crazy dog lady and paint Lola?
  • Should I paint an inspirational figure, such as Jimmy Carter (yeah, I mean that)?
  • Now I wonder, if I think too much and I should just feel it?
  • If I am this conflicted do I paint a question mark just to finish it?
How do I ever get anything done with this constant thinking? Still, I am left with, who do I paint? I have mulled this over for a while and spoken with a few friends and I realized that I cannot complete this dare right now, not in the way it was intended.

I have painted a "portrait" with many, many (stick) people of equal stature against a backdrop of the many phase of my life bleeding into each other. That is the best I have right now. If I can find a better answer to who do I paint, I will paint another. The inability to thoroughly answer this question does haunt me a little. However, I know this is just where I am right now and I can only embrace it cheerfully. 

Thanks for the soul search, Anna!

11 April 2010

Perhaps do a breast cancer walk or walk to raise money for cancer (Vanessa Foote)

Well, I've gone rogue on this dare. Although cancer walks are extremely worthy causes, I just can't authentically feel inspired to fund raise for it. If you feel inspired to raise money for cancer research and prevention education, please do and let me know so I can support you.

I was commuting to work with my mind wandering and I saw a poster for BARCC's Walk for Change on April 11th. I instantly thought of this dare. I had been researching cancer walks, but once I saw this poster it resonated with me. As a survivor of sexual violence, I feel it is important to take this opportunity to give myself and encourage others' giving in an area that has directly and dramatically touched my life. 

For me, the scary part of the dare is asking for money. Seriously, talk about uncomfortable! Therefore, I feel like I am being true to the challenge by raising money for a charitable cause - Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC). Sexual violence disrupts the lives of victims and those who care about them. BARCC is committed to giving survivors and their families and friends the resources they need to reclaim their lives and begin healing, to raising awareness of the issues survivors face, and to ending sexual violence through healing and social change.


A sincere and heartfelt thank you for your support! Although this is not all about me, I feel fantastic that I exceeded my goal and have been able to direct my first fund-raising efforts to a cause that is so personally important to me.

Thanks Vanessa for giving me the extra push to try raising money for charity.