11 April 2010

Perhaps do a breast cancer walk or walk to raise money for cancer (Vanessa Foote)

Well, I've gone rogue on this dare. Although cancer walks are extremely worthy causes, I just can't authentically feel inspired to fund raise for it. If you feel inspired to raise money for cancer research and prevention education, please do and let me know so I can support you.

I was commuting to work with my mind wandering and I saw a poster for BARCC's Walk for Change on April 11th. I instantly thought of this dare. I had been researching cancer walks, but once I saw this poster it resonated with me. As a survivor of sexual violence, I feel it is important to take this opportunity to give myself and encourage others' giving in an area that has directly and dramatically touched my life. 

For me, the scary part of the dare is asking for money. Seriously, talk about uncomfortable! Therefore, I feel like I am being true to the challenge by raising money for a charitable cause - Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC). Sexual violence disrupts the lives of victims and those who care about them. BARCC is committed to giving survivors and their families and friends the resources they need to reclaim their lives and begin healing, to raising awareness of the issues survivors face, and to ending sexual violence through healing and social change.


A sincere and heartfelt thank you for your support! Although this is not all about me, I feel fantastic that I exceeded my goal and have been able to direct my first fund-raising efforts to a cause that is so personally important to me.

Thanks Vanessa for giving me the extra push to try raising money for charity.

1 comment:

  1. Lessons learned from the walk:
    1) Walking with a dog and 1,200 people is tricky.
    2) Lola is afraid of balloons and streamers, especially when blowing in the wind
    3) Walks do not start on time because speakers like to... speak
    4) Sunshine, smiles and good causes make everything better!
