31 March 2010

March Dare Count

And a flood of new dares have come in! All right, a flood might be an overstatement, but there were definitely some new dares received.

To date,
Dares received:19
Dares completed: 5
  1. Create a blog
  2. Wake up everyday and smile and stretch
  3. Get highlights
  4. Relax and sample new adventures (on the cheap)
  5. Go to a drag show
Dares in progress: 3
  1. Run a 10K
  2. Fund-raiser walk
  3. Paint a portrait of someone I love(d)
Dares on deck...

You might also be wondering why so slow on the dare completions Courtney?  
Well, I am a work in progress. I do what I can.

For my excuses, I have also been keeping myself with busy with weekly treks to Middlesex Fells with Lola, Mandarin class on Sundays, finally getting to home improvement projects, a new gym membership, a try at West African dance, civil engagement and good times with friends (details excluded to protect those that claim innocence).

I don;t know if I can promise big number in April, but i can promise that I am loving this and working my way through them one at a time. Thanks y'all for all the good times.